Get ready for the new SalesConnect service

Start from March 30, 2023
Get ready for the new SalesConnect service
Start from March 30, 2023
Due to the migration to the new platform, SalesConnect will be shut down on Wednesday, March 29th and on the evening (PT) of Saturday, April 1st. This will ensure a smooth transition of data from the legacy platform to the new platform.
SalesConnect Training Certificates will not migrate to the new platform. Your certificate is not required as proof of program eligibility, but if you wish to keep a personal copy, it must be uploaded by March 28, 2023. After this date, you must contact SalesConnect Support to obtain your Learning Certificates for expired Learning Cards.
Portfolios are no longer available in the new Salesforce architecture, and URLs for saved bookmarks and embedded links to existing hubs, hub pages, and learning maps will change. Once launched, Cisco recommends that you bookmark the sites and pages that you use most often. All links to published materials and assets will remain the same and will continue to work.